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A holistic kitty explained

In the late nineties, I spent a couple of years taking holistic health classes to become a holistic health practitioner. I actually never became a practitioner because I found in Southern California, at that time when “holistic healing” was so new, you actually had to have a medical degree to practice. At first I was upset as I had devoted a lot of my time to learning multiple facets of healing naturally. But then it made sense to me. What if someone came to me with cancer? Or an unexplained pain that turned fatal? This is when I developed my East-meets-West philosophy of healing that is actually very common today. Using peppermint oil to help a sinus headache, lavender to soothe frayed nerves, valerian for a better night’s sleep. However, I also believe there are times when these natural choices of healing may work in tandem with western medications prescribed by and working closely with a doctor (albeit, always temporarily).

Regarding natural healing, what was once old, became new, and now is common practice. Can these practices, tried and true, also help kitties? Absolutely I believe that. And even more so than humans because their brains don’t fight the cure as we may sometimes do … sit with our suffering. Cats just don’t want to do that. They want to get back to playing (and napping!) as soon as they can!

Let me explain what “holistic” means to me. Fundamentally, holistic healing means to take care of the body, mind, and spirit at all times. Not just in a time of healing crisis. This is one reason why I want to put Spot’s blog out there. To help those learn what I’ve learned and to take care of all three of these aspects of their kitty’s life at all times. For this blog, I will share my experiences, research, and tie it back to the importance of keeping these three things in mind for your kitty’s health at all times: Body, Mind, and Spirit. I’ll talk more about all I learned with IBD in cats, Feline Herpes, the importance of diet, exercise, attention, kitty play, purring, napping, and much more! Coming soon I will explain in depth about Spot’s experience with IBD which we would not have wished on our worst enemy … and how holistic healing could have made a difference. And may make a difference for you and your own furry baby. Thanks for staying tuned!

Spot n Traycee's Holistic Tips


Rotate your cat’s food regularly. It can take a day or two to transfer to new food.



If considering a vegan diet, also consider feeding many small meals throughout the day. Recommend an auto-feeder if not home.



Don't forget:  Water. Water. Water! If trying vegan cat food diet, do not feed a cat vegan dry food all day. They should have supplement of veggie food with lots of water added.

© 2015 Spot, the Holistic Kitty


All content provided on Spot, the Holistic Kitty blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. Please research thoroughly to make the most informed decisions about your cat's health!

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