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Spot n Traycee's Holistic Tips


Dab a tiny speck of essential peppermint oil on a cat's back between their shoulder blades (or deep under their chin away from the mouth) to help with congestion from allergies or feline herpes. (important note! some essential oils can be fatal to cats so please research before using. I'll post more on oils at a later date!)



Pull out your humidifier for your cat when they're congested too! 



Place super sick kitties that may be suffering flu-like symptoms from feline herpes near an infrared heater instead of convection or one that blows hot air. Infrared radiates heat like the sun, won't dry out sinuses or skin, and even promotes healthy blood circulation.



Two kitty adoption must's in my book:  (1) always adopt from a shelter - never from a "breeder" and (2) pretty please always adopt a pair. Two really are just as easy to keep as one and they keep each other company as well as offer each other spiritual comfort during times of stress.



Take lots and lots of pictures of yourself AND your cat together! When my lil guy was gone I realized that although I had a lot of great pics of him - there was only one I could find of the two of us. Cheesy? Yes!! But you will be happy to have the memories to look back on.



Omega 3's are essential to a pretty kitty's health and coat! Cat have dander? Be sure you give them a squirt of Omega 3's daily in their food. 



Nervous about your visit to the vet? or think it will be uncomfortable to bring up a topic that you feel strongly about that your vet may not be interested in (such as an alternative diet)? Take a friend or loved one with you that shares your beliefs and can help you stand firm.



This is a great place to find the perfect vet that also shares an East-meets-West philosophy of medicine, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association,  



Take a pen and paper with you to the vet if your lil baby is not feeling well (or, better yet, take notes on your phone). It’s so easy to forget important details the vet is saying when you're in the moment. This is a must for when you’re doing research after your visit.



Try soil based probiotics for your kitty instead of traditional probiotics like Lactobacillus or acidophilus. These type of probiotics can potentially be derived from dairy (lactic acid-based) which cats can be sensitive or allergic to.



Put lots of water sources throughout the house for your kitty and consider getting a fountain. Cats normally get water from prey in the wild so may need encouragement and reminders to drink!



Omega 3’s are a great supplement but can be detrimental to a cat with a fish allergy. You can instead try supplementing Omega 3’s sourced from algal phytoplankton.



Rotate your cat’s food regularly. It can take a day or two to transfer to new food.



If considering a vegan diet, also consider feeding many small meals throughout the day. Recommend an auto-feeder if not home.



Don't forget:  Water. Water. Water! If trying vegan cat food diet, do not feed a cat vegan dry food all day. They should have supplement of veggie food with lots of water added.

© 2015 Spot, the Holistic Kitty


All content provided on Spot, the Holistic Kitty blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. Please research thoroughly to make the most informed decisions about your cat's health!

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